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  1. Vand interfata midi Roland Gi20 pentru chitara sau vioara. Are inclus cablul de 13 pini! Provenienta Anglia. Se conecteaza la chitara prin doza midi Gk, si se poate folosi iesirea midi OUT pentru conectare la alte module: juzisound, kronos, M3 etc. Pretul este fix 200 Eur sau 980 lei plus transportul.
  2. 130 EUR negociabil! Astept oferte!
  3. Pret: 150 EUR Localitate: Orsova Contact: dangrigorie@yahoo.com Link producator: www.digigram.com Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Vand placa de sunet pentru cunoscatori, Digigram VXpocket V2 profesionala pentru laptop. Placa este in stare impecabila ca si noua, primita din Anglia. Pe siteul producatorului va faceti cont si downloadati ultimele drivere pt sistemul dvs. Pret: 150 EUR. tel: 0740786183 http://www.fairaudio.de/test/computer-und-festplatte/2009/test-soundkarte-digigram-vxpocket-v2-foobar-1.html http://www.amazon.com/Digigram-VXpocket-v2/dp/B000BQXGVS http://www.digigram.com/products/product_infos.php?prod_key=9000 Poze reale.
  4. Salut! mai ai placa? Daca da poti sa imi spui daca la driverul ei asio am posibilitatea sa setez sample bufer mai mic de 176 sample. Am vazut ca in carte la 176 avea latenta in jur de 5ms. As vrea sa pot cobori mai jos. Te intereseaza o digigram vx pocket v2?
  5. Salut! As fi interesat de placa. Eu. cant live cu laptop kontakt si placa echo indigo IO. Am latenta de 1.7 ms!! cu un windows special. Am nevoie de un sunet mai plin cu mai multa prezenta in live. si ma gandesc ca o placa ,facuta de o firma ce face instrumente muzicale ar trebui sa sune mai plin ca celelalte. Poti sa imi spui ceva de latenta, si daca ai auzit-o pe un sistem pa live? Exista riscul sa o iau si sa nu pot cobori cu latenta sub 2ms, si atunci nu am ce face cu ea. Mai lasi ceva la pret? Vrei schimburi cu ceva? Dan Grigorie 0740786183
  6. Salut! Scuza-ma ca sint oftopic... Ma intereseaza daca varianta rack are RAM, deci daca citeste samplere din afara ca si yamaha xs6? Ca placa de sunet este la fel cu xs6? In cartea tehnica spune Internal Memory Below are explanations of the internal memory used in the MOTIF-RACK XS. Flash ROM ROM (Read Only Memory) is memory designed specifically for reading out of data, and as such data cannot be written to it. Unlike conventional ROM, Flash ROM can be overwritten— allowing you to store your own original data. The contents of Flash ROM are maintained even when the power is turned off. DRAM RAM (Random Access Memory) is memory designed specifically for data writing and data reading operations. There are two different kinds of RAM, depending on the condition for storing the data: SRAM (Static RAM) and DRAM (Dynamic RAM). The MOTIF-RACK XS is equipped with only DRAM. The created data stored on DRAM is lost when the power is turned off. Because of this, you should always store any data residing in DRAM to the Flash ROM or the computer connected to the MOTIF-RACK XS before turning off the power. Edit Buffer and User Memory The edit buffer is the memory location for edited Voice and Multi data. Data edited in this location will be stored to the User Memory. If you select another Voice or Multi, the entire contents of the edit buffer will be rewritten with the newly selected Voice/ Multi data. Make sure to store any important data before selecting another Voice, etc. Dar totusi nu spune cum se incaraca de exemplu acele sunete... Merci!
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