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Everything posted by geo3029

  1. 250 Ron/ buc . Sunt noi , in cutiile originale , deschise doar pt proba. In magazin sunt peste 359 ron ( vezi ex Boss megadistorsion).
  2. Pedale : Boss chorus CE-5 , Boss Megadistorsion MD2 , Ibanez Delay / Echo DE 7
  3. Vand Amplificator Chitara Ibanez GTA series, GTA15R-H 15 W.Functioneaza perfect , nu este utilizat apropae deloc, arata si functioneaza ca in magazin. Doritorii ma pot contacta si pentru pedale noi Boss sau Ibanez in conditii avantajoase.
  4. Vand Ibanez GRG Negru , fara lovituri sau zgarieturi stare perfecta , + Husa Ibanez + Curea Ibanez + 3 Pene . Prte 400 RON , pentru cei interesati geo3029@yahoo.com
  5. Salut, E nou nout in cutie , nefolosit . Pretul til-l dau pe PM.
  6. .... Sau il dau la schimb cu pedale functionale si in stare buna ..... astept oferte..... ( exclus distorsion si delay) !
  7. Vand Procesor nou in cutie Korg AX5G ( alimentator nu este inclus). Pret Promotional ! Pentru interesati, rog PM. Ce poate : AX5G 􀂾 A great collection of accurately-crafted Guitar Amp/Cabinet modeling and Effects using Korg’s award-winning “REMS” modeling technology 􀂾 16 of the most coveted Drive/Amp models; mix and match with 10 killer cabinets 􀂾 Dedicated Expression pedal to control volume, wah, and various effect parameters in real time 􀂾 Quick Assign function lets you easily assign an effect parameter to the expression pedal with one touch 􀂾 31 effects divided into 3 FX blocks w/ an adjustable professional noise reduction effect. 11 Pre FX: (10 pre-effect+pedal-wah) Comp, Wah, Acoustic, Drone, P/U and more. 10 Modulation, Filter and Pitch effects. 10 Delay/Reverb effects 􀂾 80 Programs: 40 presets and 40 user 􀂾 58 total effect types, 6 FX can be used simultaneously. (3 effects blocks, Noise Reduction, Drive/Amp and Cabinet modeling) 􀂾 Intuitive interface for quick and easy operation 􀂾 Delay and Reverb Effects carry over when changing between programs with the same settings 􀂾 Program select foot switches with large LED indicators for excellent visibility 􀂾 Battery or AC-powered 􀂾 Auto-chromatic tuner w/mute function 􀂾 Output jack also powers headphones
  8. Sorry Kurt, Cred ca e o eroare, eu am post cu asa ceva, nu am intentionat sa-l adaug aici . Nu am nici cea mai vaga idee cum a ajuns aici . Te rog accepta scuzele de rigoare.
  9. Pret negociabil sau efect la schimb !
  10. Vand Korg Ax5G nou in cutie cu garantie. ( Valabilitate garantie 1 an si 11 luni). Pentru cei interesati pret - 280 RON fara tranpsot inclus.
  11. Pentru cei interesati, vand Korg Ax1500g - nou in cutie , nefolosit, fara alimentator - 320 Ron fara transport cu garantie .- negociabil. Sau schimb cu alte pedale - de preferinta Boss SD2 series.- exclus mega distorsion.
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