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    Days of Confusion
  • Gear
    PRS Custon 24 10 Top Blade
    Messa Boogie Dual Rectifier

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  1. Da, lampi noi 6L6 2007 an de fabricatie Impecabila statia
  2. Pret: 4500 ron Localitate: bucuresti Contact: 0721939412 Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Statia nu are nevoie de prezentari, pt cei care doresc sa o vada, ma pot Contacta la nr 0721939412
  3. Vand Mesa dual rectifier Roadster 4 canale! Lampi noi, impecabil, case, footsw, traf!220 1250 euro 0721939412
  4. Vand delay line6 dl4 6 mil 0721939412
  5. Delay line6 dl4 6 mil! 0721939412 Fara schimburi
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  7. ?? nu inteleg ce vrei sa zici! E un DUAL RECTIFIER ROADSTER!
  8. Case inclus, footswitch,traf! Se poate proba in bucuresti
  9. Pret: 1500 euro Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0721 93 94 12 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi pt cine nu stie despre ce e vorba statia are lampi noi 6L6 Peavey fara schimburi 0721 93 94 12
  10. korg tuner ul s a dat! au ramas Delay ul DL4 si Boss Chorus pedal uup!
  11. Line6 DL4 6 mil Korg Pitchblack tuner 1.5 mil Boss Chorus 3.5 mil http://www.thomann.de/ro/boss_ce5_chorus_ensemble.htm BCB 60 4 mil http://www.thomann.de/ro/boss_bcb60.htm 0721 93 94 12 nu accept schimburi
  12. Mesa roadster 4 canale, impecabila, lampi noi, 1500 eur, negociabil 0721 93 94 12
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