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Motorhead - Chitari Si Alte Chestii

varu' maftei

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Nu vi s-a parut ca la prima piesa cantata cu PRS-ul albastru, Phil a sunat mult mai agresiv decat primele piese cantate cu LP-ul ala crem ? Bine, si chitara era acordata mai jos, in drop. Chiar ma gandeam oare ce doze are in LP de a fost asa mare diferenta, stie careva ? In al doilea rand wah-ul a sunat super, ce model foloseste ?

Edited by varu' maftei
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Guest AndreiM



Phil uses an LAG Explorer Signature model guitar both live and in the studio, fitted with two Seymour Duncan humbuckers and a single (volume) control.

He also uses a Minarik Inferno Guitar on stage.

He has also been known to play a Parker Nitefly, a Claymore custom and Kramer guitars.


Like Lemmy, Phil uses Marshall Amplifiers and Cabinets when playing live.

In the studio however he has been known to use Line 6 amps and effects and Laboga Amps.

Earlier in his career he occasionlly played Gallien-Kruger amplifiers.[5]

mai exact


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