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00:00 Practicing between the first, second and third strings
01:15 Practicing between the second, third and fourth strings
02:39 Practicing between the third, fourth and fifth strings
03:47 Practicing between the fourth, fifth and sixth strings
04:54 Practicing between all the strings
08:20 Practicing a final development

I've been practicing this six-note passage for a few days C E G B A G
It is an ascending Ionian major arpeggio of three notes C E G followed by a descending diatonic movement of three notes B A G corresponding to the major seventh B the sixth A and the fifth G of its Ionian major scale C D E F G A B

I practice it in a modal order and concept and so I can walk through the Ionian major mode, the Dorian minor, the Phrygian minor, the Lydian major, the Mixolydian major, the Aeolian minor and the semi-diminished Locrian throughout the guitar fingerboard.

In the video I start practicing this passage between the first, second and third strings, then between the second, third and fourth strings, then between the third, fourth and fifth strings, then between the fourth, fifth and sixth strings, then between all the strings strings and then a little final development

It is very good to later be able to make beautiful and suggestive melodies with the guitar


Guitar Notes - Practicing Five Pentatonic Positions of C

My experience has taught me that it is better to move by playing with several positions of the same scale than with just one. The objective is that by changing position while we play, we will be able to get different colors from the guitar and above all we will not get bored of always doing the same on a position. I start the video by exposing the five positions of the pentatonics of C and then I'm going up and down

2º Position V:   ACDEGACDEGAC






Guitar Notes - Practicing Interval Scales of Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth

I really like to practice exercises with intervals, because they force me to move my fingers in a very different way than when I practice scales.
These exercises that I expose in the video are quite difficult to play and we will need some time to get to play them in a fluid way
Later when playing, these interval resources can be used to give a variation to our musical phrases.



00:00 Major Thirds Interval Scale C E D F E G F A G B A C

00:33 Minor Thirds Interval Scale C Eb D F Eb G F Ab G Bb Ab C

00:59 Fourths Interval Scale C F D G E A F B G C

01:25 Fifths Interval Scale C G D A E B F C

01:45 Sixths Interval Scale C A D B E C


Guitar Notes - Harmonic Minor Scale - 15 Melodic Phrasing Ideas

The Harmonic Minor Scale for my taste is a scale that suggests too many emotions when played
It is one of my favorite scales to play a cappella, since while I listen to it and look for its inner turns, I always feel transported to other times
In the video I have developed 15 melodic ideas in an improvised way at the moment



00:00 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 1
00:34 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 2
01:03 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 3
01:34 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 4
02:02 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 5
02:36 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 6
03:16 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 7
03:40 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 8
04:24 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 9
05:03 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 10
05:36 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 11
05:57 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 12
06:13 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 13
06:37 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 14
06:55 Harmonic Minor Scale - Melodic Phrasing Idea 15

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